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Tired of Having Struggling with different health challenges due to stress?
Hi, I'm Oyediya. A work life balance coach and stress management expert. I help mummies and women above 40+ to lose weight, live healthier, through managing stress better, sleeping better and practicing self love so that they can be more energetic and be able to focus on more important things in their life.
Losing Weight and managing stress better for a better and healthier you is very important
I am woman and a mummy of 3 children also struggling with some health challenges. Sometimes ago, i had a health scare about high blood sugar. At another time, i had an issue with my thyroid gland.
I have struggled with belly fat, weight gain and many more. In 2017, I was weighing far more than i used to weight. I was overtly stressed out. I had a truamatic experience after i lost my brother due to diabetes and had my mum lost her sight due to glaucoma.
I got depressed and sad. I stopped taking care of myself and was more involved in just surviving. I picked up a lot of weight then and struggled with it till 2020 when i took a good look at myself and decided that this must stop.
For the past two years, i am on a mission to live a healthier life by making some subtle lifestyle changes to my life.
I will share with you more of the stories later.
But wait a moment. How do you lose weight, manage stress better for a a healthier you?
Stress is not good for your health. Stress is a silent killer. Stress has killed a lot of people and it is still killing many more.
you may be asking what can i do about this? I am always fatigued and have less energy.
I struggle with balancing my work and my life. Is something wrong with me.
Identifying the stressors in your life is very important for healthy living.
What is stress?
How is it affecting me?
Can i suppress stress for a long time?
Stress is anything activity that puts pressure on you. It could be your financial status. It could be family challanges. It could even be work related. Then how do you manage to strike a balance between your work and your other life. This is so that you do not sacrifice your family on the altar of career progression.
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension.
could be caused any things that frustrates you.
Stress is caused by an existing stress causing factor or stressor. There are acute and chronic stress.
everybody normally pass through acute stress. The chroni stress isa very bad stress.
Chronic stress lasts for a longer time. some of the causes of chronic stress could be money problems, an unhappy marriage or trouble at work. Chronic stress puts you in grave danger.
Stress is a silent Killer
Chronic stress is not good for your health.
Do you know that chronic stress and lack of good sleep affects your health negatively?
Constantly being on edge adds to your accumulating weight or belly fat which is not good for you.
As i was saying before. Let's get back to my story.
I just had a new baby when all these issues was happening around me. And I felt that i should no longer take anymore.
I was sleeping poorly. I was super stressed. I have three children, I was working full time and still trying to be a good wife and take care of my mother.
something snapped inside of me and i was losing it. I neglected to take care of myself after my brother's death.
I became a shadow of myself. I barely existed. I was living a day at a time. On the outside, people thought that i was happy but deep within me, i was not happy. I was dealing with the death of my brother through diabetes complications and my mum's condition.
I almost lost it. It was a hard time for me. I was withdrawn at home and uncommunicative. It took me over two years to gradually come of it. I was struggling to hang in there and not give up.
But a time came, when i snapped out of the cycle and decided to do something about it.
Then change started happening within me. The healings started within and then spread to the outside.
And today, I'm happier and i have implemented measures to look out for my health. The system helped me to shed the accumulated weight, burn belly fat and become more healthier, physically, emotional and mentally.
It is the system that i used that i want to share with you. This system has been packged into an ebook.
This ebook covers the 7 secrets why you struggle with belly fat or losing weight as a woman and
What I shared above is real. Today i feel mouch better and healthier. Today, i feel more energetic than before. Today, I can just wear my clothes feelign super confident.
Are you frustrated and disillusioned?
are you feeling kind of stressed out and depressed?
Are you worried about your health?
You can manage your stress
Introducing the book" Why you struggle with belly fat
This woman's healthy bundle will help you to take better care of your life
Why you struggle with belly fat
7 different facts that contribute to weight gain
what you can do to be healthy
Introducing "Why you struggle with belly fat"
Get this ebooksnow for#3000 instead of #5,000 Today
This book is about the woman health is carefully crafted for you
you will get this ebooks:
- Why you are struggling with belly fat
- 7 factor responsible for weight gain
- How to better manage stress
- What lack of sleep does to your body and many more
There are 7 distinct factors responsible for adding weight.
Here it is: Why you struggle with Belly Fat
This offer is for women above 40+. This offer is for mums with 1, 2 ,3 and many children. This bundle will help you to identify the 7 culprints responsible for adding weight or belly fat.
With this bundle
when you purchase the ebook why you struggle with belly fat as a woman, you'll will get access to the book instantly.
- 1In chapter one, you will learn the different body fats
- 2How your body reacts to stress.
- 3Benefits over features: you will learn how to manage stress better
- 4you will learn how to manage stress better
- 5you'll learn the implications of belly fat or weight gain once you clock
What People Are Saying About The Book Why you struggle with belly fat
“Social proof comes with customer testimonials.”
"What i'm teaching in the book is what i have lived by for more than 2 years and it is working for me and i believe that it will work for you.
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Oyediya Akudinobi
Author of " Why you are struggling with belly fat
About the Author
My name is Oyediya Akudinobi. I'm a healthy living advocate who believes that you take of yourself now so that you can enjoy your life better and healthier in the future. Do you know that a lot of health challenges could be avoided when we manage stress better.
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P.S.: Get your book right now at the price of #3,000 between July 29, 2022 to August 5th, 2022. Make a lifestyle change today will benefit your tommorrow.
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