
What is diabetes? High Blood Sugar and Type 2 Diabetes


What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a psychomatic disease. Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder.  It is a chronic metabolic diseases characterized by elevated levels of blood glucose or blood sugar. It can involve your mind and body too.

52.9 million adults over 45 years of age in the US may struggle with blood sugar issues. Over 60% of American adults 45 and up are metabolically unfit.

That means that on daily basis, they struggle with the ability to properly to metabolise carbohydrates.

This means that how the body breaks down carbohydrates to produce the right amount of sugar it needs.

This poor glycemic command can have very noticeable and etrimental effects on how you look, feel think and act.

The problem usually get worse with time. This is because the prevalence is greater with increasing age. With over 80% of adults over the age of 65 years.

Pancreas is the seat of the alpha and beta cells which produce glucagon and insulin respectively.

Absolute Insulin deficiency  leads to type 1 diabetes while insulin resistance is partial deficiency lead to Type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes increases the risk of stroke and other complications

4 major driving forces that increase blood sugar
  • increased carbohydrate intake
  • decreased peripheral glucose uptake
  • decrease insulin secretion
  • increased hepatic glucose production

Diabetes is found in people above 40 years of age.

90-95% of people with diabetes are suffering from Type 2 diabetes.

No matter your age, it is vital that you maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Your blood sugar levels are the amount of the sugar called glucose in your blood.

This glucose is your body’s primary  source of energy. This include being the key source of fuel for your brain and your central nervous system

Glucose is absorbed by cells throughout your body and combine with oxygen inside your mitochondria. The mitochondria is the body’s powerhouse inside your cells to create ATP. ATP is Adenosine Tripolyphosphate.

And ATP is is what powers your cells and promote your body’s cell growth.

so when you consume carbohydrates, glucose enters your blood and the hormone insnulin is released. This insulin help your cells absorb glucose they need.

How the body controls blood sugar level

Food is eaten and the food is converted into glucose(blood sugar). As the bllod sugar level rise, thr pancreas make insulin. The blood carries glucose and insulin to every cell in the body. The insulin acts like a key to open the cells. cells absorb gluocse from the blood

When too many carbohydrates and sugar are consumed your body can become less sensitive to the hormone insulin.

Moreover, if you don’t exercise enough, or you experience excessive  levels of stress or you don’t sleep well.

That means that not enough of your blood sugar or glucose is absorbed and it remains in your blood stream.

This means that your blood stream is too high.

This can lead to a variety of issues such as

  1. feeling low on energy
  2. brain fog
  3. feeling out of control
  4. feeling hunger
  5. feeling irritable
  6. too moody
In such a case, what can you do:
  • reducing processed foods and sweetened foods
  • getting plenty of exercise
  • getting proper sleep

consuming plant based foods

A new study published in Nature Medicine concludes that a surge in global type 2 diabetes cases was driven by 3 major dietary factors:

insufficient intake of whole grain

excess consumption of refined rice and wheat

overconsumption of processed meat

The study suggest poor carbohydrates quality is a leading driver of diet attributable to type 2 diabetes. Most Type 2 diabetes  were found to be in men rather than women and in people living in urban areas

Eating habits to control diabetes
  1. Choose water instead of sweetened drinks
  2. Eat slowly amd mindfully. it takes about 20 mins for your brain to send out signals to your brain that you are full.
  3. Chew your food slowly.
  4. Stick to a single serving
  5. Eat fruits and vegetables
  6. Fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables
  7. Incorporate whole grains into your diets

Finally, maintaining a healthy eating plan takes time and perserverance. we will provide support support for you in your health change journey.

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