How Burning Belly fat will change your life?

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As women go through middle age, the proportion  of fat to body weight increases. The fat storage occurs more rapidly. The fat tends to be be deposited in the upper body. Less fat is deposited over the hips and thighs. Sometimes, even when the person does not increase in weight, the visceral fat is added. This visceral fat is accumulated on the abdomen. This makes most women over 40’s have more fat deposition on their abdomen.

What are Visceral Fats?

Visceral fats are biological active fats. They secretes hormones and other molecules. These hormones have far reaching effects on other tissues of the body. Visceral fats produce a higher proportion of molecules with potentially detrimental health effects. Visceral fats makes more of the protein called cytokines. These cytokines can trigger low level inflammation. This low level inflammation is a risk factor for heart disease and other chronic diseases. Visceral fat also produces a precursor to angiotensin, a protein that causes blood vessels to constrict and blood pressure to rise.

What are Subcutaneous fats

Subcutaneous fats produce a higher proportion of beneficial molecules. They are fats that are laid in any other parts of the body such as thighs and hips. They are also the fats that you feel when you pinch your hands.


 Visceral fat is actually belly fats

 5 reasons why visceral fat is potentially harmful to our health.

Cardiovascular diseases

Visceral fat is implicated in  cardiovascular diseases. A study of European women aged 45 to 79 concluded that those with large waist circumference in relation to hip circumference had more than twice the risk of developing heart disease. Even in non smoking women, every 2 inches of additional waist circumference raised the risk for cardiovascular disease by 10%. Higher visceral fat volume has a detrimental effect on several heart diseases risk factors.  It is associated with higher blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and triglycerides levels and lower  levels of High density Lipoprotein (good) cholesterol. All these changes creates a risk for cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes.


Researchers at Kaiser Permanente found that people in their early forties with the highest levels of abdominal fat were three times more likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer’s diseases in their early 70’s to early 80’s when compared with their counterparts with the least abdominal fat.


A large study carried out amongst California teachers, showed that women with high levels of visceral fat( a waist circumference of more than 35 inches) were 37% more likely to develop asthma than women with smaller waists even if the weight was normal.  The risks were highest for women who are both large-waisted and overweight.. The investigators believed that belly fat raised the risk of asthma.

Breast Cancer

A combined analysis of several studies showed that pre-menopausal women with abdominal obesity(largest waist size in proportion to their height) were at a greater risk for breast cancer.

Colorectal cancer

People with the most visceral fat have three times the risk of developing colorectal adenomas(precancerous polyps) than those with the least visceral fat. The researchers also found that adenomatous polyps in the colon are associated with insulin resistance which increases the cancer risk.

For this reason, it is vital for every women in her 40’s or a new mum to work at reducing the level of fat accumulation. Doing this will greatly help to stem the tides of health diseases away from us and keep us healthy.

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bread, baked, food

As women go through middle age, the proportion  of fat to body weight increases. The fat storage occurs more rapidly. The fat tends to be be deposited in the upper body. Less fat is deposited over the hips and thighs. Sometimes, even when the person does not increase in weight, the visceral fat is added. This visceral fat is accumulated on the abdomen. This makes most women over 40’s have more fat deposition on their abdomen.

What are Visceral Fats?

Visceral fats are biological active fats. They secretes hormones and other molecules. These hormones have far reaching effects on other tissues of the body. Visceral fats produce a higher proportion of molecules with potentially detrimental health effects. Visceral fats makes more of the protein called cytokines. These cytokines can trigger low level inflammation. This low level inflammation is a risk factor for heart disease and other chronic diseases. Visceral fat also produces a precursor to angiotensin, a protein that causes blood vessels to constrict and blood pressure to rise.

What are Subcutaneous fats

Subcutaneous fats produce a higher proportion of beneficial molecules. They are fats that are laid in any other parts of the body such as thighs and hips. They are also the fats that you feel when you pinch your hands.


 Visceral fat is actually belly fats

 5 reasons why visceral fat is potentially harmful to our health.

Cardiovascular diseases

Visceral fat is implicated in  cardiovascular diseases. A study of European women aged 45 to 79 concluded that those with large waist circumference in relation to hip circumference had more than twice the risk of developing heart disease. Even in non smoking women, every 2 inches of additional waist circumference raised the risk for cardiovascular disease by 10%. Higher visceral fat volume has a detrimental effect on several heart diseases risk factors.  It is associated with higher blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and triglycerides levels and lower  levels of High density Lipoprotein (good) cholesterol. All these changes creates a risk for cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes.


Researchers at Kaiser Permanente found that people in their early forties with the highest levels of abdominal fat were three times more likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer’s diseases in their early 70’s to early 80’s when compared with their counterparts with the least abdominal fat.


A large study carried out amongst California teachers, showed that women with high levels of visceral fat( a waist circumference of more than 35 inches) were 37% more likely to develop asthma than women with smaller waists even if the weight was normal.  The risks were highest for women who are both large-waisted and overweight.. The investigators believed that belly fat raised the risk of asthma.

Breast Cancer

A combined analysis of several studies showed that pre-menopausal women with abdominal obesity(largest waist size in proportion to their height) were at a greater risk for breast cancer.

Colorectal cancer

People with the most visceral fat have three times the risk of developing colorectal adenomas(precancerous polyps) than those with the least visceral fat. The researchers also found that adenomatous polyps in the colon are associated with insulin resistance which increases the cancer risk.

For this reason, it is vital for every women in her 40’s or a new mum to work at reducing the level of fat accumulation. Doing this will greatly help to stem the tides of health diseases away from us and keep us healthy.

To hear more from us, kindly subscribe to our list.

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  1. Pingback: What everybody ought to know about belly fat - Healthiswealthi

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