Diabetes abd sexual issues: Men sexual problems and diabetes?
Changes in your blood vessels, nerves, hormones, and emotional health during diabetes may make it more difficult for you to have satisfactory sex. Diabetes and its related challenges also may make it harder for you to have a child.

Erectile dysfunction
You have ED if you’re unable to get or keep an erection firm enough for satisfactory sexual intercourse. More than half of men with diabetes will get ED. Men who have diabetes are more than 3 times more likely to develop ED than men who do not have diabetes.1 Good diabetes management may help prevent and treat ED caused by nerve damage and circulation problems.
Low testosterone
Men’s testosterone levels naturally lower with age. However, lower-than-normal testosterone levels may be the cause of some men’s ED, or can explain why some men often feel tired, depressed, or have a low sex drive. Men with diabetes, especially those who are older and overweight, are more likely to have low testosterone
Fertility problems
Some studies show that men with diabetes can have problems with their sperm that make it harder to conceive. Your sperm could be slow or not move well, or your sperm may not be able to fertilize a woman’s egg well.5 Working closely with your partner and a health care professional trained infertility issues may help
Diabetes and sexual issues: women sexual issues and diabetes
Low sexual desire and response, vaginal dryness, and painful sex can be caused by nerve damage, reduced blood flow to the genitals, and hormonal changes. Other conditions can cause these problems, too, including menopause.
Low sexual desire and response
Low sexual desire and sexual response can include
- being unable to become or stay aroused
- not having enough vaginal lubrication
- having little to no feeling in your genitals
- being unable to have an orgasm or rarely having one
Painful sex
Some women with diabetes say they have uncomfortable or painful sexual intercourse. The nerves that tell your vagina to lubricate during stimulation can become damaged by diabetes. A prescription or over-the-counter vaginal lubricant may help if you have vaginal dryness.
Yeast and bladder infections
Women with diabetes are more likely to have yeast infections because yeast organisms can grow more easily when your blood glucose levels are higher. Yeast infections can be uncomfortable or painful and prevent you from enjoying activities, including having sex.
Pregnancy concerns and fertility problems
If you have diabetes and plan to become pregnant, it’s important to get your blood glucose levels close to your target range before you get pregnant. High blood glucose can harm your baby during the first weeks of pregnancy, even before you know you’re pregnant.
Bladder problems and Diabetes.
Diabetes can cause nerve damage to your urinary tract, causing bladder problems. Being overweight and obese also can increase bladder problems, such as urinary incontinence (UI). Managing diabetes is an important part of preventing problems that can lead to excess urination.
Your health care team may be able to help you manage your blood glucose levels and help you lose weight if needed. Doctors use blood and urine tests to diagnose bladder problems or conditions with similar symptoms. Doctors also may use urodynamic testing to see what kind of bladder problem you have.
Frequent and urgent urination
Some people with diabetes who regularly have high blood glucose levels may have to urinate too often, also called urinary frequency. Even men and women with diabetes who manage their blood glucose levels within their target range sometimes feel the sudden urge to urinate, called urgency incontinence. This usually happen at night. Medicines may help reduce the symptoms of bladder control problems.
Trouble “going”
You may find that diabetes causes you to no longer feel when your bladder is full. Many people with diabetes report that they have trouble “going.” Over time, having a too-full bladder can cause damage to your bladder muscles that push urine out. When these muscles don’t work correctly, urine may stay in your bladder too long, also called urinary retention. Urinary retention can cause bladder infections, urine leaks, and the feeling that you always have to go.
Leaking urine:
sometimes, obesity can lead to urine leaks. in this case, you need to reduce weight to have a healthier life.
Bladder infections
People with diabetes are more likely to have urinary tract infections, also called bladder infections or cystitis.
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