Different exercises for good health
Healthy living is all about how you move and live. it has a lot to do with your entire being. it covers emotional, mental, physical and your social relationships. When you are in good health, you have a balanced life.
Healthy living encompasses your whole health.
Stress, ill health and lack of sleep plays a role in how healthy your life is. It is about healthy lifestyle.
When you want to practice healthy living, you must involves exercises to keep you healthy.
Let us look at some exercises that you can incorporate into your lifestyle healthy healthy lifestyle.
Exercises for healthy living
Incorporate brisk walking into your lifestyle. As you are walking, you are working the muscles of your body. The limbs, and other parts of the body.
You are keeping fit.
You are burning off excess fat.
You are burning off excess weight.
You are becoming more healthy.
You can
- Walk with your wife
- walk with your children
- walk with your friends
- walk with your dogs.
- walk alone
it is time to do away with a sedentary lifestyle.
Learn to walk around in the evenings after work instead of driving.
You can visit your neighbor, friends that are living close by on foot instead of driving.
Benefits of exercising
- Brisk walking helps your health to pump blood actively
- it burns off muscle and body fat.
- It eliminates excess fat.
- It tones the muscles of the body
- it eliminates various ailments.
- increases your lifespan
- it improves your memory
- it improves cardiovascular fitness.

These are recommended some of the recommended books in your quest for healthy living
Types of gears used for walking:
There are different gears that you can use for exercising.
- you can use walking shoes
- runners
- hiking booths
- trainers
- skipping ropes
- dumb bells
- weights
With the right shoes, walking becomes an easy chore.
when you running, walk or hike, you are exercising. And WHO has advised that adults should incorporate at least 120 minutes of physical activities.
Move your body for your own benefits.
You can exercise on a treadmill.
you can exercise with a dumb bell.
you can exercise with weights
Strength training help you to build muscle and strengthen your body muscles.
it has been shown that running helps to burn weight. Walking alleviates stress and keep you mentally alert.
If you notice people that are active in sports are physically lithe. They are trim and lithe. this is because they embark on a lot of exercises.
You can incorporate aerobics, weight lifting, dancing and yoga too in your daily or weekly physical activities.
I just saw an advertisement showing women dancing their way to good health. There are many Apps that can help you in keeping track of the physical activities per day. There are sport wristwatches that can count the number of steps that you have taken today and advise you on how many more steps to step on daily basis.